Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Need a good laugh? Watch my Top 10 Favorite Commercials!

Are you feeling a little down today?  This should help your blues disappear!  Sometimes the commercials you see on television are better than the show you tuned in to!  I love seeing my favorite commercials and watching for new ones!  They always seem to be a good topic of conversation with even the most depressed or boring people.  And thank goodness for technology now-a-days because you can watch your favorite commercials on YouTube and EVEN your phone!  How awesome is that?!  So here we go!

My #1 favorite commercial of all time is this one.  Justin and I STILL crack up over it. You lint licker!:D

Here is #2! This one is fairly new and awesome! Lol, it's so great!

And my #3 favorite! This one is so cute and hysterical! I hope my kids are just as funny as these two little girls!

Here's #4! It's so funny and SO true!

#5! It has some foul language but still hilarious!

#6. This one of course had to be on my list and I'm sure is on everyone else's favorite list too!

#7. This one is a little wrong but I know everyone will get a kick out of it!

#8. This one is SO HILARIOUS!!! Can you say AWKWARRRD?

#9. Hehe! This is a good one.

Annnddd #10! I love this one!!!

And there you have it! If you have any favorite commercials, PLEASE send me a link! Hilarious commercials always seem to put a little happy in my day and I hope my favorites give you a little happy too!

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