Tuesday, December 13, 2011

If you want to get me something for my birthday, here is my wish list!

My 26th birthday is right around the corner and every year there is always someone who asks me what I want for my birthday, so if you're thinking of getting me something this year, here is my list!  I searched and searched online for gifts that I believe I REALLY need, so here ya' go. ;)

Control a Man Remote

Haha! If you know me then you would agree that I DEFINITELY need a remote control to control the men in my life.

Now here is a GREAT accessory that I need!  You know I'm a girl who loves my beer and I hate having to walk to the fridge or ice chest and with this belt I wouldn't have to anymore!  If only it came in other colors...

I really don't think I need to say anything about these AWESOME glasses!  :)  Who wouldn't love straw eyeglasses?!

Now, I'm not really in to pirates or anything of that nature but I would like to throw my beer in a treasure chest ice chest!  Then at parties I could say "Ahoy, matey and grab me a beer!"

Hahahahahaha!  This may be the DUMBEST product I've EVER seen but if this sucker really takes the fat out of food then I would LOVE one! 

Since I can now consider myself an "Old Lady" I think this would be a great tote for me to have when I  go to the grocery store to buy my calcium pills and Polident.

Here is another great item since I am going to be so old and it's considered "blinged out", so it's definitely a must-have fashion forward piece.

Honestly, this is NOT something I would be happy to get but since it is so ODD I thought I would include it on my list.  Look how creepy that is!  Who in their right mind thought that a Chihuahua dressed up as Michael Jackson was a good idea?!  That thing is going to give me nightmares for sure. 

And last but not least, here are the COOLEST band-aids EVER!  No need to spend $100 on getting inked, just cut your finger and you've got a cool tat!

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