Sunday, March 13, 2011

Our Paperback Getaway Club

         Yay for Book Club!  Yes, I'm serious.  Some friends of mine from Junior High put together a book club and asked my best friend, Katy, and I if we wanted to join.  Soon after, I felt like I was going to regret this decision when I thought the first book we were going to read was about Radiology.  Come to find out, it was just Heather's signature on her e-mail!  Whew.  And yes, you are right when you say "Oh, you girls just get together and complain."  BUT, we do definitely read the books each member choses for that month. Here's how it goes, it's real simple, one person each month hosts the meeting at the place they choose, they pick out what book everyone is going to be reading for that month and then we all meet on a specific day we schedule with food, drinks, etc.  We discuss the last month's book and then the person who chose the book for the month gives us a little intro. and then, the craziness begins, sometimes. :)  
        Yes, last night was one of those "sometimes" and let me tell you, for it being my last meeting since I am moving to Florida, it was AWESOME!  It started with Melissa bringing a Margarita Machine, thank you Jimmy Buffet and Jose Cuervo.  We discussed the old book which was my pick, In Cold Blood by Truman Capote and then the new book which was Katy's pick, Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen.  Talked about how life has been for the past month, etc., etc. And then Katy broke out Cranium!

Katy had to use my hand to draw this while I had to guess what it was. Anyone know what it is? No, it's not a beaver like I thought.  :)

And then THIS is what happens when you play Cranium with margaritas!

She had to find something recyclable, something that can go on your head & something that would stick to your forehead.  And yes, that means she licked a dollar bill, twice...

All in all, this was probably the best meeting so far and I am SO sad that it was my last meeting.  We are going to try and Skype, so hopefully I will be able to "attend" the next meeting! I'll keep you posted. ;)
I love all the girls and am so glad I joined.  I will definitely miss my little paperback getaways.

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